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Vorträge: Counterdiscourses on Royalty in First Millennium Epistolary and Ritual


18 Uhr c.t.


LMU München, Schellingstr. 3, Raum R 210


Jennifer Finn (Marquette University, USA/Stipendiatin der Graduate School Distant Worlds, 2013 - 2015)

Informationen zur Veranstaltung

Das Institut für Assyriologie und Hethitologie und die Graduate School Distant Worlds laden herzlich ein zum Vortrag von Jennifer Finn (Marquette University, USA/Stipendiatin der Graduate School Distant Worlds, 2013 - 2015) zum Thema "Counterdiscourses on Royalty in First Millennium Epistolary and Ritual".

Throughout Mesopotamian history, literature was a common venue for the production of dialogues and discourses about kingship and royalty. This talk will explore methods of challenging narratives about the king beyond belles lettres, namely the creation of fictional letters or the copying of much older correspondence; as well as through rituals performed during periods of instability in the Neo-Assyrian royal court.