Prof. em. Dr. Rolf Michael Schneider

Born in Hamburg
Humanistisches Abitur, Matthias-Claudius-Gymnasium, Hamburg
1971 – 1982:
Study of Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Late Antique and Byzantine Art History, Ethnology and Evangelic Theology, University of Hamburg and University of Heidelberg
Dr. phil. in Classical Archaeology, University of Heidelberg; doctoral thesis: Bunte Barbaren, Orientalenstatuen aus farbigem Marmor in der römischen Repräsentationskunst
1982 - 1983:
Research grant, Stiftung Volkswagenwerk; project Roman gems und glass gems: conveying politics and ideologies in early imperial Rome
1984 - 1985:
Deputy Curator, Department of Mediterranean Art and Archaeology, Badisches Landesmuseums, Karlsruhe
1987 - 1990:
Assistant Professor, Archaeological Institute, University of Heidelberg
Habilitation in Classical Archaeology, University of Heidelberg (Dr. phil. habil.); book: Dionysischer Rausch und gesellschaftliche Wirklichkeit, Großplastische Satyrbilder hellenistischer Zeit
1992 - 1998:
Associate Professor, Archaeological Institute, University of Heidelberg
1994 - 1995 and 1995 - 1996:
Acting Professor for the Chair of Classical Archaeology, University of Marburg
1996 - 1997:
Acting Professor for the Chair of Classical Archaeology, University of Munich
Visiting Professor, Harvard University, Department of the Classics
1998 - 2001:
University Lecturer in Greek and Roman Art and Archaeology, Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge
Fellow of Downing College, Cambridge
1999 - 2001:
Dean of Downing College, Cambridge
Fine Arts Stewart of Downing College, Cambridge
since 2001:
Professor for Classical Archaeology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
Erasmus coordinator for art history and archaeology, cooperation with the universities of
Athens, Bern, Florence, Geneva, Istanbul (Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar), Paris (Sorbonne), Prague, Rome (La Sapienza), Thessaloniki
Coordinator of the annual exchange programme between Classics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, and the Faculty of Classics at the University of Cambridge
since 2002:
External referee for Cambridge University Press
since 2004:
Member of the Scientific Board of Marmora. An International Journal for Archaeology, History and Archaeometry of Marbles and Stones
Founding member and Principal Investigator of the Munich Graduate School “Formen von Prestige in Kulturen des Altertums“
since 2006:
Member of the Network on Ancient and Modern Imperialisms
since 2007:
Dean of Students, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
since 2008:
with François Lissarrague (Paris) and R.R.R. Smith (Oxford) editor of the international series ICON (Image and Context). Berlin and New York: Walter De Gruyter
Elected Corresponding Member of the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
since 2009:
Elected member of the Classical Association of South Africa
Founding member of the Munich Centre for Ancient Worlds (MZAW)
Mitglied der Scuola di Dottorato di archaeologia classica der Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
2010 - 2012:
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Landesausstellung ‘Otto Imperator. Kaisertum im ersten Jahrtausend‘, Magdeburg, Kulturhistorisches Museum (27.8. bis 9.12 2012)
2012 and 2013:
Guest Scholar at the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
since 2012:
Liaison Professor of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, Bonn
Founding Member and Principal Investigator of the Munich Graduate School ‘Distant Worlds’
Elected member of the Advisory Board of the Bullettino della commissione archeologica comunale di Roma
since 2013:
Collaboration with Professor Himanshu Prabha Ray (New Delhi / Munich; Anneliese Maier Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2013) in the new research project Cross-cultural dialogue: India and the wider world in ancient history
First Munich Professor invited by UC Berkeley for four months to establish the new programme UCB-LMU research in the humanities
Appointment to a Honorary Professorship for Classical Studies at the University of Cape Town with effect from 2016
2014 - 2015:
Appointment by the ‘Wissenschaftsrat’ (German Council of Science and Humanities) to evaluate the ‘Deutsches Archäologisches Institut’
Curating the exhibition "Herakles in Neuseeland" in collaboration with the Staatliche Antikensammlungen München and the LMU Graduate School "Distant World"
Invited papers and teaching abroad
Austria, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Greece, India, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Turkey, U.S.A.