Personen Alumni
Albery M.A., Henry
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Postdoctoral Fellow: April 2018 - September 2020
Dr. Anguissola, Anna
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Postdoctoral-Fellow: November 2012 - August 2015
Baumgartner M.A., Catharina
Doctoral Fellow: April 2017 - März 2020 / Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence
Doctoral Fellow
Bell-Schlatter M.A., Emrys
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Berndt M.A., Ulrike
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018
Dr. Dufault, Olivier
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
Dipl.-Dolm. Dipl.-Theol. Eckstein, Juliane
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
Eicher, Sebastian
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Dr. Fabrizi, Virginia
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
Feist, Sabine
Affiliiertes Mitglied (SoSe 2013 - SoSe 2016)
Fink, Christoph
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2016 - März 2019
Dr. Finn, Jennifer
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2015
Hamrick M.A., James
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: April 2017 - März 2020
Doctoral Fellow
Heindl M.A., Patrizia
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites Doctoral Fellow: April 2017 - März 2020
Jedrzejewski M.A., Jakub
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - März 2018
Dr. Kröss, Katja
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Postdoctoral Fellow: April 2014 - Oktober 2017
Lindner M.A., Marie-Hélène
Focus Area: Organisation of Exchange / Doctoral Fellow: April 2017 - März 2020
Dr. Löx, Markus
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Postdoctoral Fellow: Januar 2014 - März 2017
Maaß M.A., Hardy
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2014 - März 2017
Morris B.A., Lauren
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2014 - März 2017
Preisigke M.A., Julia
Focus Area: Organisation of Exchange / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
PD Dr. Schulz, Verena
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2012 - Oktober 2015 / Akademische Koordination November 2015 - März 2020
Shammas M.A., Samar
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - März 2018
Teichgräber M.A., Ansgar
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
Dr. Tugendhaft, Aaron
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Postdoctoral Fellow: März 2013 - August 2014
Dr. Visigalli, Paolo
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Postdoctoral Fellow: Dezember 2013 - Oktober 2015
Waß M.A., Christopher
Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - März 2018
Prof. Dr. Witetschek, Stephan
Focus Area: Organisation of Dealing with Dissent / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2012 - September 2014