Samar Shammas M.A.
Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - März 2018
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites
Tell el-Yahudiyeh Ware in Syria and Lebanon
This research studies a type of pottery dates to the second quarter of the second millennium B.C. It was found for the first time on the site of Tell el-Yahudiyeh in the Eastern Egyptian Delta. This ware has a very wide distribution along the Syro-Palestinian coast, in the Nile Valley and Cyprus.
The Main goal is to study the Syro-Lebanese finds of Tell el-Yahudiyeh ware focusing on the typological analysis in order to complete our knowledge about ceramic production in the more general framework of the Middle Bronze Age ceramic culture in the Middle East. And to discuss the main function of these vessels, what their content was, and why they have this large geographic diffusion. The second aspect to be considered in this study is the question of the possible presence of local workshops that produced this pottery in the studied region.