Personen Affiliierte
Agnethler Lic.-Theol. (evang.), B.A., Hannelore
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
Balandat M.A., Luisa
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: April - Mai 2016
Dr. Ballesteros Petrella, Bernardo
Classical Philology / Assyriology
Baragli M.A., Beatrice
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - März 2018

Dr. Birk, Ralph
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Postdoctoral Fellow: April 2017 - August 2018
Bledsoe M.A., Amanda
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: April 2014 - März 2017
Bouthillette M.A., Karl-Stéphan
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018
Bowden M. Div., M. Th., Andrew
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - September 2018

Dr. Brodersen, Alma
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2017 - Februar 2019
Buchhorn M.A., Anna-Sophie
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - März 2018

Dr. Chen, Fei
Kurzzeitstipendiat Januar - Juli 2015
Cohen-Olberding M.A., Sophie
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018
Dietz M.A., Albert
Focus Area: Organisation of Exchange / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018
Draper M.Phil., Charles
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - Dezember 2016

Dwivedi M.A. M.Phil, Mamta
Stipendiatin der GS Distant Worlds in Zusammenarbeit mit der AvH-Stiftung (Anneliese-Maier-Forschungspreis für Prof. Himanshu Phraba Ray)
Eberts M.A., Nadiya
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: April 2014 - März 2017
Dr. Evans, Jean
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Postdoctoral Fellow: Januar 2014 - August 2016

Fallmann M.A., Daniel
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2017 - März 2020
Dr. Flossmann-Schütze, Mélanie
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Dezember 2018

Földi M.A., Zsombor
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
Förg M.A., Manuel
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Juli 2016

Grek M.St., M.A., Leon P.
Affiliate der Graduiertenschule Distant Worlds
Hanemann M.A., Susanne
Focus Area: Organisation of Exchange / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017

Dr. Hawthorn, Ainsley
Kurzzeitstipendiatin Juni - August 2014
Dr. des. Heil, Fabian
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Oktober 2017
Heilmann M.A., Daniela
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016

Dr. Hein, Anke
Peter Moores Associate Professor in Chinese Archaeology
Heitmann-Gordon M.A., Henry
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Hidding M.A., Aaltje
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018

Dr. des. Hiyama, Satomi
Kurzzeitstipendiatin Januar - Juni 2015
Hollaender M.A., Julian
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018

Huber M.A., Moritz
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2014 - März 2017
Hüdepohl M.A., Sophie
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2016 - März 2019

Dr. Kost, Catrin
Focus Area: Organisation of Exchange / Postdoctoral Fellow: Februar 2013 - Oktober 2016

Kühn, Elisabeth
Mitarbeiterin an der Graduiertenschule Distant Worlds Oktober 2014 bis September 2015
Kurmangaliev M.A., Anna
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Link M.A., Katharina-Luise
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018
Lohmann M.A., Polly
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Luhn M.A., Clara
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018

Dr. Meyer zum Felde (geb. Gschwind), Nina
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: April 2015 - März 2018
Mittertrainer M.A., Anahita
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018

Moitra M.A. M.Phil, Tanni
Stipendiatin der GS Distant Worlds in Zusammenarbeit mit der AvH-Stiftung (Anneliese-Maier-Forschungspreis für Prof. Himanshu Phraba Ray)

Dr. Pabst von Ohain, Constanze
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Dr. Paprocki, Maciej
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018

Raat, Andrea
Focus Area: Constructions of „the Beautiful“ / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Dr. Sanzo, Joseph E.
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Postdoctoral Fellow: November 2015 - August 2018
Schenk M.A., Lisa
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: April 2016 - März 2019
Schenk M.A., Dominik
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018

Schmidt, Katharina
Focus Area: Organisation of Exchange / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016

Schusser M.A., Theresia
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: November 2014 - Mai 2018
Sebrich M.A., Johannes
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016

Sirotenko, Anastasiia
Focus Area: Organisation of Memory and Forgetting / Predoctoral Fellow: November 2014 - März 2016

Dr. Sollee, Alexander E.
Vorderasiatische Archäologie
Stahl, Martin
Focus Area: Organisation of Coexistence / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Umsu-Seifert M.A., Çağla
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: November 2015 - Oktober 2018
Végh M.A., Zsuzsanna
Focus Area: Constructions of Elites / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016

Dr. Verčík, Marek
Kurzzeitstipendiat: Feb 2015 - Juli 2015
Weiß, Philipp
Focus Area: Constructions of "the Beautiful" / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Westhausen M.A., Imke
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: April 2016 - Februar 2019

Zacks M.A., Joshua A.
Affiliate der Graduiertenschule Distant Worlds
Dr. Zhao, Jingyi Jenny
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Postoctoral Fellow: Dezember 2015 - Juni 2016

Zisa, Gioele
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: April 2013 - März 2016
Zurhake M.A., Daphne Laurien
Focus Area: Constructions of Norms / Doctoral Fellow: April 2014 - März 2017